• Resolved Earl_D


    Links to the following are displayed when using the shortcode
    [mas_account] is there a individual shortcode to the videos list by user. I was able to find individual ones for the playlists but I would like to include the videos one in a profile tab in buddypress. I would just use the mass account but I don’t need the dashboard, account and logout links

    Movie playlists
    Video playlists
    TV Show playlists
    Account details

    Thanks for the the help and plugin

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  • Plugin Author Yusuf Ansari


    Hello @earl_d,

    1) Following are list of available shortcode in our plugins:
    Dashboard – mas_my_account
    List Movies – mas_movies
    List Videos – mas_videos
    List TV Shows – mas_tv_shows
    List Episodes – mas_episodes
    Upload Video Form – mas_upload_video
    Manage Playlists – mas_manage_playlists
    Movie Playlists – mas_movie_playlists
    Video Playlists – mas_video_playlists
    TV Show Playlists – mas_tv_show_playlists

    2) You can remove dashboard tab using following filter ‘masvideos_account_menu_items’

    3) You can override the my account dashboard content by overriding the template ‘masvideos/templates/myaccount/dashboard.php’ on your theme by ‘yourtheme/masvideos/myaccount/dashboard.php’.


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