• Resolved bart333


    Hi, I don’t know why, but when I click on the tab titles, the tabs switch, but at the same time the page jumps on hashtags “#qodef-tab-“. In addition, the hashtag is visible in the page link. On your demo site, it’s not there.

    I checked on Chrome, FireFox and Eage browsers.
    What could be the reason for the hashtag “#qodef-tab” to appear in the page link and the page to skip to him? I just want to show content of tabs without page moving up and down.

    Thanks for your advice.
    With regards

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Qode



    Thank you for reaching us!

    We’ve managed to reproduce this behavior with the Qi Addons Vertical Tabs widget and Kadence theme. You can add role=”tab” to the second line of code in child-title.php file located on this path: \wp-content\plugins\qi-addons-for-elementor\inc\shortcodes\tabs-vertical\variations\simple\templates\child-title.php as shown in screenshot.
    This change should also be included in the update.


    Thread Starter bart333


    Great, now everything is fine. Thank you for the quick reply.

    BTW, you’ve made a great plugin.


    Plugin Author Qode


    Hi there,

    We are glad to hear this!



    Thread Starter bart333



    this same issue with tabs-horizontal.

    It will work after adding role=”tab”.


    Thread Starter bart333



    please add above mentioned role to “tabs-horizonatal”.


    Plugin Author Qode


    Hi there,

    Thank you, we will add this feature in the next update.



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