Support » Plugin: Elementor Website Builder - More than Just a Page Builder » Version 3.15.0 Update Causes Responsive Based Font Size Issues

  • Resolved flinty2000



    We have noticed after updating our woodmart theme based store that the font titles of our main slider module are oversized on mobile view (much too big). The theme developer performed some investigations and suggested that the issue is caused by Elementor.

    Using the ‘Regenerate CSS & Data’ and ‘Sync Library’ in the Elementor tools menu temporarily fixes the issue but then it starts happening again a few hours later and the fonts appear over sized on mobile view again.

    It seems to be related or similar to this issue here:

    Is this a known issue with the latest version of Elementor or something else?

    • This topic was modified 11 months, 3 weeks ago by flinty2000.
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  • Plugin Support ondrejkr


    Hello there,

    Can you please try to deactivate all of the cache on the site and the server and see if it helps?

    Thread Starter flinty2000


    If we turn off the ‘Additional Custom Breakpoint’ stable feature in Elementor>General>Features then the issue disappears.

    Note that it was only the recent Elementor update that caused this issue to start happening and therefore required us to deactivate the ‘Additional Custom Breakpoint’ feature.

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