• The debug_information hook should return an array. Since the handlePluginHealthInfo method in your code does not exist in the WPEWPAdmin class, it is returning NULL instead of an array.

    This bug causes the following problems:

    1. The Site Health > Info page is empty.
    2. If a plugin uses the debug_information hook to add data to the Site Health > Info page (i.e. LearnDash), it will throw a Fatal Error.
    3. Any plugin which directly calls WP_Debug_Data::debug_data() expecting an array (i.e. Site Reviews) will throw a Fatal Error.

    Here is a screenshot of the invalid code in your plugin:

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Gemini Labs.
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  • I’m experiencing this issue as well. I will just deactivate the migration plugin until I need it again. Unsure if this error affects the actual migration process. I suspect not though.

    Thread Starter Gemini Labs


    Probably not, this bug breaks the WordPress > Site Health > Info page.

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