• Widi Utami


    Could we use this plugin for host static file on Google bucket? I want to store my all static file on Google Bucket instead of on Google Drive.

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  • I want to do the same. It seems to work for me in that way.
    My goal is to make my WordPress Installation scalable, so now files should be stored on the filesystem. I configured AWS CloudFront to serve the static files from an S3 bucket.

    The only thing that is not working is that when I am logged into the admin dashboard all files are not served from the cdn but directly from the server.
    Is this intentional? Can I change this so that the static files are always served from the cdn?

    Is there any addition info about this? I am really need this. I want to integrate my site nusagates.com with Google Bucket. I want to store all static files on my site on Google Bucket.

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