• Resolved sallijane


    I have had MailPoet on my site for some time, and have 200-and-some subscribers. I have both the MailPoet and MailPoet Premium plug-ins installed. I updated MailPoet successfully, but MailPoet Premium says that it is untested with WordPress 6.2, and there is a WP dashboard message saying that some features of the not-updated MailPoet Premium have been disabled to avoid breaking MailPoet.
    Should I update MailPoet Premium, even though it shows as untested? Should I have NOT updated the MailPoet plug-in (and if so, can that be reversed)? Should I remove the MailPoet Premium plug-in, which I don’t find when searching among WordPress plug-ins?

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  • Plugin Author Bruna a11n


    Hi @sallijane,

    I can assure you our latest versions are all tested with WordPress 6.2, so you can upgrade the MailPoet Premium plugin.

    Please let me know if you run into any issues after doing it.


    Plugin Support Dani F. a11n


    We haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I’m going to mark this as resolved – we’ll be here if and/or when you are ready to continue.

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