• Plugin is pretty good, does what I need it to do and customisable.

    HOWEVER – if you are using the plugin template (render.php) on your own theme, note that 3.2.7 will just straight up break your calculators. They have changed the render.php significantly, rendering your custom template useless.

    I raised this with support when all my calculators stopped working and they told me it’s working on their environment so it must be my cache? Took me a while to diagnose the actual issue (templates), recommended they warned users and they ignored me and asked me to leave a review, so here I am.

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  • Plugin Support Lisa StylemixThemes



    We’re sorry to hear about your experience.

    We appreciate your honest review. Your feedback is invaluable to us.

    It seems there was a little oversight regarding your request. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Please check ticket #72749 where our agent responded to your inquiry. We’ll ensure to assist you more efficiently moving forward.

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention.



    Customer Success Manager (GMT+5)

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