• Resolved sun


    Hi @davdebcom,

    Could you update the included Freemius library to a more recent release in order to fix the issue outlined here, please?


    The confusing parameter is visible in every admin_ajax.php request when opening the network tab in the browser console when editing a page with Gutenberg in the WordPress admin.

    Removing _fs_blog_admin & _fs_network_admin from Heartbeat Requests

    Due to WordPress limitations, when a WP AJAX call is invoked, there’s no way to identify if it was initiated from the WP admin area or the site front. As a workaround, we came up with a simple technique by adding a querystring argument _fs_blog_admin=true (and _fs_network_admin in the WP network admin) to all WP AJAX calls initiated from the WordPress admin area, which then allows us to identify if a request was triggered from the WordPress admin area or not.

    WordPress has a keepalive mechanism (Heartbeat API) that initiates a WordPress AJAX POST request every few seconds when the user is logged into their WordPress admin area. The querystring param was also added to those requests.

    Troubleshooting website issues frequently involves checking the network tab. Naturally, seeing many requests with a Freemius “fingerprint” (_fs_blog_admin=true in the querystring) generated lots of false-positives where admins and hosting companies assumed that those frequent AJAX requests were triggered by the SDK, when, in 99.99% of the cases, it had nothing to do with the SDK. Regardless, we optimized the logic a bit, and now it skips from “touching” the keepalive AJAX requests.

    See also https://freemius.com/blog/release-notes-new-pricing-page-license-activation-improvements/#removing_fs_blog_admin_fs_network_admin_from_heartbeat_requests

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  • Hi @tha_sun,

    Thanks for using Post Snippets,

    We have notified the technical team about the issue, we shall release the update very soon with the latest freemius library.


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