• eternalee9


    Hi there,

    The latest update has created 2 issues, the first is that heading titles (H1) when updated to latest plugin version it turned off the fade animation on all H1 titles on all banners, no idea why and it hasn’t done that before when updating but quite inconvenient. But hopefully on future updates this can be prevented.

    Another issue though is when updating it changed the font weight of all the H1 titles on banners, when on the depictor editor the font weight is not selectable (just shows undefined) and it only shows the locally stored one even with google fonts disabled under settings (no different font weights to select). To fix this I had to change the settings on depictor from save locally to default, clear cache and fiddle about with some other things, it then displayed the fonts correctly again. This shouldn’t be happening when updating though. Seems to be some conflict with the google settings option on depicter and not with any other plugin as previous times of updating it has not done this. Perhaps something you can look into.


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  • Thread Starter eternalee9


    Thanks for response. The slider I am using is the “Adventurer” one, it was working fine before with various updates. On the latest update on our staging site the title and subtitle now appears immediately rather than fading in like it should with the animation.

    Before the title and subtitle on the slider would appear from nowhere with a smooth fade animation, now the text just loads visibly and is already there without any fade animation and though it still does the cross over animation of the title and subtitle, the text doesn’t appear from nowhere and it doesn’t look good. Perhaps part of the animation has been lost in the new update.

    • This reply was modified 2 months ago by eternalee9.
    Plugin Contributor Depicter Support


    Hello, I hope you are well. Thank you for reporting these issues and following up with us. The animation issue is currently being investigated and will be fixed in an upcoming update. However, the font weight issue has been fixed and is now working properly with the latest stable version of Depicter, v3.1.2. If you have any other issues or details about these matters that you would like to share with us, we would be happy to hear them.


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