• I use the service mainly for cloning. But the cloning was always problematic. Moving to orion version did not make it better.

    Since they have been bought by godaddy, the service became RUBBISH.

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  • Hello,

    I am sorry to hear that you experienced an issue with cloning.

    Would you mind telling me if you might contact our Support since I was not able to find any users with the username ” bongobas “.

    Regarding our new dashboard Orion, I must say that we developed it before GoDaddy integration and success rate of our tools is more than 99%.

    GoDaddy program is improving every day and integration is a big step forward for us and them as well.

    I believe that you are experiencing an issue and please contact support so we can get this resolved.

    We will do our best to help you out at helpdesk@managewp.com

    Kind regards,

    Using Managewp-com for years, i do not understand this review. It works fantastic.

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