• Resolved alexzan


    Hi there, after updating to WordPress 6.4 I have a problem while embedding tweets.

    Both on Block and Classic Editor, the tweet is no longer rendered as it should when the link is pasted into the editor. The Classic Editor does not give specific errors, while on the Block Editor the error “This content can’t be embedded” is shown. Looking at the requests, I get a 404 error at the oEmbed proxy endpoint. It never happened before the update, so I don’t know what goes wrong. If I try to open that link, I get a 401 error that says that I am not allowed to make such a request from the browser, which should be correct. Existing embeds are not affected and I can still embed the old way, but with oEmbed everything is much quicker.

    If you need other info, please let me know! Thank you.

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  • To be able to understand this, it would be good to know what exactly you want to integrate? You talk about “tweet” – as far as I know, twitter has been banning the public embedding of content for several months now. This is not something WordPress could optimise.

    Thread Starter alexzan


    @threadi By tweet I mean an actual tweet, or a post if you like. Twitter has never banned the embedding of single tweets: yes, there were some problems with timelines, but everything works fine now.

    Documentation for the Twitter block I’m talking about.

    Can you please give a concrete example? So that we can reproduce what you’re talking about.

    Thread Starter alexzan


    @threadi Sure. I don’t do anything special, I just paste a tweet link in the Twitter block and it returns an error. Normally I would be able to see the tweet in the editor, but this is not the case because of that 404 error to the oEmbed path. And by the way, if I embed a tweet in the editor and it returns an error, the tweet can’t be seen as expected in the frontend.

    You can find screenshots here. (The error is in Italian, but it can be translated as “This content can’t be embedded”.)

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by alexzan.
    Borja Abad


    Same incidence here. I have always pasted a twitter link in the classic editor and it has been converted to the embedded twitter, now X. For a few days it no longer works, and only the link is pasted. Any solution? More people with these problems?

    Thread Starter alexzan


    UPDATE: I updated the website to WordPress 6.4.1 (and the plugin Custom Post Type UI), and I’m not sure what happened but it got fixed by itself. That’s nice, I guess.

    Borja Abad


    Now having the same issue.

    With x.com domain is not working.

    With twitter domain is working ok.

    I don’t understand anything… I think they are changes in the social network, and wordpress can’t do anything.

    Thread Starter alexzan


    @soportecibeles It has never worked with x.com because WordPress doesn’t recognize it as the main or alternative Twitter domain yet. I think they’re working on it, but not sure.

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