• Elementor is simply my favourite tool in the WP box.
    What you can do – even with the free version – is remarkable.
    I have a media design background and back then, when I initially got my hands on Elementor, it had me produce my first usable designs in no time. The UI is quite intuitive to use and delivers fast.

    If I had to name disadvantages regarding Elementor,
    they would be technical and not just Elementor related:

    1. the produced code volume compared to manual coding
    2. the resulting amount of DOM levels
    3. the fact that I can’t deactivate the advertised PRO elements in the free version, as well as any other third party element i wouldn’t use in a given project, in order to eventually reduce the resulting whole code volume of a project
    4. the thing that the Elementor ecosystem (like many others) doesn’t load just what it needs on a given page
    5. the tendency of add-on coders to make use of external resources that can not easly be bypassed or deactivated, as using third party resources could lead to trouble when working within the restrictions of the GDPR

    And yes I know, some add-on coders allow single element deactivations.
    I also agree, that a free version means the folks who made them have a good right to advertise their buyable product too.
    And finally I also know for sure, that all these “nice to haves” are not at all an Elementor-only problem.

    i recommend to give Elementor a try, if you haven’t already!

    PS: I’ve read a lot of the critical comments regarding the update to v3.x and the inefficient support even for Pro users.
    I guess, I was simply lucky up until now… (fingers crossed)

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