• Resolved Ali Gholami


    Hello dear
    First of all, thank you for releasing this wonderful plugin.
    There are several problems with translation that I will discuss below. I hope you fix it in the new update.
    The texts of the following sections do not have the standard of loading in the language file. So they are not translatable and that is very bad.
    Most of these sections are in JavaScript files and will be difficult to translate manually.
    These include:
    Advanced filter section in ticket search
    Ticket status tag
    Ticket Priority Label
    Date / time of the ticket in the dashboard
    Workflow sections
    Ticket Form Config in settings

    Also, the appearance of the plugin for right-to-left websites such as Persian and Arabic languages is not very beautiful and has some problems.

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  • Plugin Contributor Rafi Ahmed


    We added all missing translations however ticket status tag and ticket priority label come from the database so these are not translatable. We are working on the RTL support it will be available soon.

    If you get any kind of issues or have any opinions for our plugin please open support ticket here : https://wpmanageninja.com/support-tickets/

    It’s our official support site our agent will respond to your ticket as soon as possible.

    Have a good day!

    Thread Starter Ali Gholami


    Hi dear Rafi Ahmed
    Yes thank you. I checked the new version, some words were added to the translatable strings.
    But it still needs more work in translation. I hope they will be fixed in the new updates.

    Please also find a solution for the ticket status sections, ticket priority and tags that are in the database. There definitely has to be a solution. Like updating data in a new update.

    In fact, this is the main part of the translation that needs to be solved. Management departments have no problem if they are not translated. But these few sections that are seen by the user on the front of the site, definitely need to be translated.

    thank you for your attention.

    Plugin Contributor Rafi Ahmed


    Hello Ali,

    We are working on these things, hopefully, all the missing translations will be added in the next update.

    Thanks 😊

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