• Resolved MeOnline


    I use a plugin called GTranslate in combination with Wordfence, for at least two years but now suddenly the functionality of the plugin (when selecting a different language) is blocked and resulting in an 503 error page from WF.
    I have submitted several GTranslate suggested IP’s to the whitelist of WF, set WF to learning mode, tried the live traffic to see what is blocked by WF – no result and still the same problem.

    What could be causing this?

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  • Plugin Support wfpeter


    Hi @webber2012, thanks for reaching out to us.

    In your Live Traffic, what kind of blocks are you seeing and which IPs are being blocked when this behavior happens? The block reason can be seen by clicking to expand the entry. I’d be interested to see if they’re different to the plugin IPs that you’ve allowlisted, or whether the block reason might shed light on how we come to a different solution.



    Thread Starter MeOnline


    Hi wfpeter, thanks for replying, totally forgot about this post 🙂
    In the meanwhile it appeared that the GTranslate plugin was using an IP that they didn’t mention and never used earlier, so we didn’t look for that in the blacklists; after some while we disovered in WF one ip had loads of ‘suspicious” actions, causing it to get blocked some time ago, being the IP they didn’t mention being theirs…

    Unblocked the IP and problem solved. So human error (from GTranslate), glad we discovered it ourselves in the end; GTranslate wasn’t that helpful. 🙁

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by MeOnline.
    Plugin Support wfpeter


    No worries @webber2012, over the Thanksgiving weekend I had been away from the forums so that’s why I just picked it up. I really appreciate your response and I’m pleased you came to a conclusion!

    If you have further Wordfence questions in future please open a new topic any time and we’ll be glad to help out.


    Thread Starter MeOnline


    No worries Peter, thanks anyway for your efforts!
    Kind regards, Pieter

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