• Resolved humananimal



    I was going to leave a 5star review, but just finished set up and it is quite odd that Loco translate cannot find the string “PROCEED TO PAYPAL”

    It’s super important, could you even put it in the plugin’s settings maybe?

    anyway, I am stuck with a non-english project and cannot find how to translate this…

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  • Plugin Support WebToffee Support


    Hi @humananimal,

    The Proceed to PayPal can certainly be translated. You may use any of the translation files in the plugin to create a new language file of your choice.

    You can access the translation files from the plugin folder > lang > choose any one of the language files. Loco translate should be able to create a language file from this.

    Hope it is clear. Let us know if you need any further information.

    Thread Starter humananimal


    I have checked on two different sites, could not find that string.

    Maybe you have a bug from some update, have you actually checked?


    Plugin Support WebToffee Support


    Hi @humananimal,

    Yes, we tested it using the POEdit application and the string was available on the PO file.

    Can you check the same without using the loco translate the plugin? You can do it by changing the site language to either Spanish, German or French.

    Plugin Support WebToffee Support


    Hi @humananimal,

    We haven’t heard back from you. As this thread has been inactive for a while we are marking it as resolved.

    Hopefully the issue is resolved. If you need any further assistance kindly create a new topic.

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