• Resolved iAmSaugata


    I have configured Amazon SES in two different region with two email id as per following.
    Region A – abc@mydomain.com
    Region B – xyz@mydomain.com
    Both the region out of sandbox.

    I configure first connection with Region A – abc@mydomain.com and second connection with Region B – xyz@mydomain.com. Also set first connection as primary and second as fallback.

    In the email testing from field, it is displaying abc@mydomain.com and xyz@mydomain.com as per the configuration order.

    Now, if I select xyz@mydomain.com for sending test email, it is using abc@mydomain.com as sender, so, technically it is using first connection, not using the 2nd one which I wanted to test.

    Is this suppose to work like that, how do I test the fallback connection?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Ibrahim Sharif


    Hello Saugata,

    Could you please create a support ticket from https://wpmanageninja.com/support-tickets/
    The team will help you.

    Plugin Support Amimul Ihsan Mahdi


    Hello @iamsaugata

    The fallback connection works when a default sender is unable to send the emails. You can configure the default one using the wrong API key so that the default connection is failed to send the emails. After that, it will use the fallback connection to send emails.

    Let me know the update.

    Thank you

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