• never heard the saying you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.
    12-month noob here, this is one of my first plug-ins over installed I didn’t even know.
    I thought the toolbar was just standard on WordPress. on one of the many occasions of my website completely going upside down inside out I accidentally deleted the plug-in.
    For the next week on and off I scoured the Internet to find out how to turn it back on but to no avail. Then another time that I was restoring from backup as my website was completely upside down and inside out and bam it was back.

    just to recap. This plug-in is good

    I’m only just testing it but I’d also recommend Admin Page Spider 😉

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by godsdoctor. Reason: from spider to Admin Page Spider
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  • Plugin Author David Decker


    Hi, and thanks for your awesome review, really appreciate it!
    Awesome, to use with Admin Page Spider (Pro) – makes total sense and I do the same 😉

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