• Hello,

    I am experiencing an issue where ThirstyAffiliate’s JavaScript does not run when an ad blocker (such as AdBlock) is active in my browser. The console shows the following error:

    GET /apps/thirstyaffiliates/js/app/ta.js?ver=3.11.2 net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT

    I found a response from you on the WordPress support forum (https://wordpress.org/support/topic/uncloaking-is-disabled-by-ad-blocker/), where you mentioned that the plugin folder name “thirstyaffiliates” is likely causing the scripts to be blocked because it contains the terms “affiliate” or “aff”.

    Would it be possible to rename the plugin folder to ‘thirsty’ or ‘thirstylinks’ or any other name without ‘affiliate’ or ‘aff’? This change in a future release would help many users who are affected by ad blockers, significantly improving the usability of the plugin.

    Unfortunately, the current situation significantly reduces the plugin’s usefulness, given the high number of users with ad blockers. Additionally, the uncloaking feature not working poses a significant risk for Amazon affiliates.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    Best regards,`

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  • Thanks for your feedback!

    It’s not possible to rename the folder without affecting functionality at this time. However, I’m going to add this as a feature request so that we can consider changing it for the future!

    Thread Starter Sylvain L


    I understand that renaming the folder involves significant changes and appreciate that you’ve added it as a feature request for future consideration. This adjustment would greatly enhance the plugin’s usability for many users, especially those affected by ad blockers.

    If possible, could you provide a link to your development roadmap or any updates on this feature? It would be helpful to stay informed about potential improvements.

    Thank you.

    Best regards,

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