• albedo1001


    Looking for a theme that makes it easy to configure the header height AND a background header image. Really prefer a modern FSE compatible theme and of course free would be great. Tearing my hair out trying to find a theme that makes this configuration straightforward and doesn’t involve workarounds that are unintuitive for a beginner.

    Would be hugely appreciative of any good suggestions.

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  • Did you try twentythirteen theme of wordpress, its giving header background image support?

    Thread Starter albedo1001


    Thanks for taking the time to reply. Twentythirteen? You really mean Twentythirteen and not Twentytwentythree?

    Well, no I haven’t tried 2013 but I did try 2023. But I really would prefer to use a block-enabled and ideally FSE theme if at all possible. It’s tricky enough learning to use WP without the complication of different versions and menu structures.

    Actually, I did eventually find a way of getting the header background image with 2023, but (a) it seemed to me quite an obscure trail through innumerable menus, and I’m not sure that I could retrace my steps. But more problematic was (b) I couldn’t find any way of controlling the height of the header, which meant that I couldn’t really get this solution to work as I wanted.

    Easily-controlled background header images just don’t seem to be a feature of current WP versions. I’m sure there are workaround for WP experts but no obvious solutions for beginners.

    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by albedo1001.

    Why shouldn’t you try Elementor builder, thats very easy to use for beginners even and also will provide you more efficient solutions for your template problems i.e. controlling height of section etc.

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