• Resolved wcw2007


    The plugin works well on small sites, but on large sites, when choosing where to show icons, there is an endless loading, then the plugin breaks.

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  • Plugin Author ILLID



    I don’t think that the problem is in the number of posts. Perhaps the issue is in the loader itself. Can you please give me the link where I can see this issue?
    Also – are you using any infinite loader plugin?


    Thread Starter wcw2007


    I installed plugin on 5 sites, only on a large site with more than 6,000 posts, the plugin does not work, it gives an error.

    Please see the photo with the error

    All sites have the same plugins installed, conflicts with them are excluded, I assure you, most likely the problem is with the number of posts.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by wcw2007.
    Plugin Author ILLID


    Oh, so you are talking about the admin page area. In this case yes, the number of products can be a reason for this issue.

    I will fix the problem in the next plugin release. For now you can use different filter to display sharing buttons. For example – post category or just selector filter.


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