• Resolved uarichs



    The plugin doesn’t work with cache plugin WP-Rocket.

    WP-Rocket support checked this and replied:

    I checked with our Level 2 team and we confirmed that this GeoIP detection is not compatible with caching because they hardcodes the country in the HTML (screen attached).

    Could you please ask their developer if they could make it compatible with page caching?

    Can you please do this?

    Because it is important for me that the pages are cached for fast loading and at the same time, that the correct country codes are pulled up in the forms.

    Thank you in advance.

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  • Thread Starter uarichs


    Please make improvements to the plugin so it can work with WP-Rocket caching.

    Thank you

    Plugin Author Sajjad Hossain Sagor


    The initial country value is coming from the backend.. but user can change their country from the dropdown.

    We have released a new version today to resolve that issue… user country will be fetched via Ajax if you enable the option to not show cached data. Enjoy!!

    Thread Starter uarichs


    Thank you very much! You are the best!

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