• Hello,

    When I get to the “claim my website” step and click on the “start verification” button, a white screen appears and nothing happens…

    Thanks in advance

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  • Plugin Support RK a11n


    Hi there,

    I’m sorry to hear about this less-than-ideal experience you’re getting – Let’s take a closer look:

    In order to troubleshoot this further, please do the following:

    • Share the exact URL you’re seeing in your browser when you’re on that error page (I’m trying to figure out whether the error lies within WordPress / Pinterest plugin) or whether that’s on Instagrams side;
    • Share a copy of your status report as found under WooCommerce > Status
    • Confirm that you’ve already worked through the setup & troubleshooting guide as found here (Especially this section: https://woo.com/document/pinterest-for-woocommerce/#section-21)
    • Share a copy of the Fatal Error Log as found under WooCommerce > System Status > Logs (If there are more than one, select the one linked to the date on which you tried to link your Pinterest account)


    Here is the same problem…I tried 3 browser, delete cookies, deactivate cache, and anything….

    In the Woocommerce logs there are nothing info about this plugin, the Pinterest support told me: “Write to Woo support….”

    I have the exact same problem — and in searching for a solution, the last time someone had that issue they had to update the plugin itself to get past step 2. And yes, I did try the basic theme, deactivating everything except Woo and the Pinterest plugin, and it always reloads to a blank screen when trying to “verify” (even though the website is already claimed).

    Waiting to hear from the support team on any solutions or ways to bypass that step to get to the final one and start tracking conversions.

    Plugin Support Feten L. a11n


    Hi there!

    I’m sorry to hear about these issues!

    Can you please send us a ticket using this link: https://woo.com/contact-us/?

    In your email, please:

    • Share the exact URL you’re seeing in your browser when you’re on that error page (I’m trying to figure out whether the error lies within WordPress / Pinterest plugin) or whether that’s on Instagrams side;
    • Share a copy of your status report as found under WooCommerce > Status
    • Confirm that you’ve already worked through the setup & troubleshooting guide as found here (Especially this section: https://woo.com/document/pinterest-for-woocommerce/#section-21)
    • Share a copy of the Fatal Error Log as found under WooCommerce > System Status > Logs (If there are more than one, select the one linked to the date on which you tried to link your Pinterest account)


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