• Resolved rilo77


    I use your plug in along side with AIOSEO Pro. In their analyzer, and in result from Google´s Pagespeed insights, it seems like the CSS and JAVA aren´t minified, but I have this checked in the Lite speed-plug in.
    What shall I do in order to ensure that your plug-in actually minifies and optimize the CSS/JAVA-scripts? Please help me further.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support qtwrk


    emm , what makes you think it didn’t ?

    from request list, I can see most of CSS are optm’ed , and all the JS except JQ , as well.

    Thread Starter rilo77


    Ok, thanks.

    Since I have limited knowledge in how to investigate this things I relay on plug in I use, in this case the AIl in One SEO-plug in and their analyzer, normally it is a good one. Maby there were some issue in the analyzer this time.
    / Rickard

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