• Resolved andrebell82


    I have two issues. The first is the text of the wp Posts menu is vertical and unreadable when AIOSEO is enabled. Here are screenshots of the wp menu with AIOSEO enabled and disabled:

    Text of admin post menu is fine if AIOSEO is disabled:

    Text of wp-admin posts menu is vertical if AIOSEO is enabled 🙁

    I Googled to see if anyone else ran into this problem but either I’m the first or am using incorrect search wording. Love the plugin. Fear clicking ‘delete post’ in error since cannot tell what I am clicking on. So when I need to edit posts I disable AISOSEO, edit my posts, then reenable the plugin. Kinda a hassle but it works.

    The second issue is AIOSEO reports, “No meta description was found for your page” despite the meta info clearly being there. Even when I click edit meta description the description is there. I’ve cleared the field and saved the page. Cleared my cache. Then went back in and added the meta description again. Cleared cache. Checked the description is still there and yet AIOSEO still says the meta description is missing. Am stumped.

    Am using Lightspeed cache, if that’ matters or if is relevant to know.


    ~ Andre

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author arnaudbroes


    Hey @andrebell82,

    This is a known issue that happens to WordPress tables when there are too many columns for the horizontal width of the screen. Unfortunately, the only thing you can do in this case is hide the columns you think are less important and don’t want to see.

    In the top right corner of the screen there should be an action link called “Screen Options”. If you click it, a panel will open where you can control which columns are displayed.

    Alternatively, you can also go to AIOSEO > General Settings > Advanced and control for which post types the AIOSEO Details column is loaded under the “Post Type Columns” option.

    Let me know if that works.

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