• Hi,

    I tested text editor with WP4.9.15 and qTranslate X.
    IF I use English, then the text/HTML code editor shows my HTML code in English.
    Next, when I push an another language button with text editor style, an another language contents are changed. The another language text/HTML code editor shows in English. The visual editor is no issue, though…

    How can I fix this problem?

    WP5.4.2 and qTranslate X – No issue
    WP5.4.2 and qTranslate XT – No issue

    I appreciate if you help me.
    Thank you,

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  • Thread Starter createpop


    Any suggestions?

    Thank you,


    Use Classic editor. Works perfect. Forget block editor.

    Rgds, Wilfried

    Thread Starter createpop


    Hi wilfried,

    Thank you for your reply.
    I’m using classic editor.
    The problem may be due to WP4.9.X?
    If possible, I don’t want to upgrade WP5.4.2 on this site.


    I’m not sure what the problem is. I have qTranslateX on one site. At the moment with latest version of WordPress. Can you find out if it is not a conflict with another plugin or theme?

    Thread Starter createpop


    Hi Wilfried,

    Thank you for your reply.
    I reinstalled TinyMCE Advanced.
    Then, it works! However, the HTML Syntax Highligter is not compatible, though.
    Well, it took two years for me to solve this question….
    Thank you!

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