• Resolved yathinbabu


    Hi, I installed the plugin few weeks back, and today updated to the version 1.5.7. WooCommerce version 8.8.3, WordPress version 6.5.2, Theme: Astra version 4.6.13. Sometimes I get the message as mentioned in the attached screenshot or now on updating to the latest version, when clicked on the cart icon, the respective product is not getting added. Also, refering to the answer to one of this plugin’s support question, I have added the code:

    add_filter( ‘just_tables_enqueue_frontend_assets’, ‘__return_true’ ); using code snippet plugin running only on site front-end. Even before adding this code both the errors used to show up.

    You can check the system status report link on Gist by clicking here. Please help.

    • This topic was modified 2 months, 4 weeks ago by yathinbabu.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Nazmul Huda


    Hello @yathinbabu,

    We’re sorry to hear about the inconvenience you’ve encountered. We understand the frustration this may have caused.

    In our attempts to replicate the scenario on our end, we haven’t been successful thus far. To ensure we address your issue effectively, could you please create a support ticket at https://woolentor.com/contact/? One of our dedicated support representatives will assist you in resolving the issue.

    Additionally, if possible, could you provide us with a video demonstrating the problem you’re experiencing? This will help us gain a clearer understanding of the issue and provide you with the best possible solution.

    Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We’re committed to resolving this matter for you as quickly as possible.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter yathinbabu


    Hello @nazmulhudadev, Thank you for update. I contacted my hosting provider to check for any solution. They whitelisted few security things and asked me to disable to cache plugin, it’s done. Right now the error alert shown in the above screenshot has stopped appearing, but the rotating dots will spin forever after clicking the cart icon, and no error shown in the browser console or network section. Same link: https://demo.tumkurlab.com/wptest/groceries-collection/. Even the plugin demo link is having the same issue: https://theplugindemo.com/justtables/product-table-and-variable-products/

    Plugin Contributor Nazmul Huda


    Hi @yathinbabu,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us and for your patience.

    We deeply apologize for any inconvenience you’ve experienced. Rest assured, we’ve addressed the issue (rotating dots spinning forever after clicking the cart icon) you reported, and the plugin has been updated to version 1.5.8.

    We kindly recommend updating to the latest version, as we’ve diligently worked to resolve the problem. We sincerely hope that this update will provide you with a smoother experience.

    If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. We’re here to assist you in any way we can.

    Warm regards,

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