• Resolved Josh Fisher Nesbitt



    For some reason when you select any swatch from any of the products it ends up changing the first product image and not the one its been selected from.

    Im not overriding it anyway just doing the default.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi @mrjoshfisher

    Changing image when selected is not the feature of this plugin I guess, this is the feature of WooCommerce itself.

    You may check by disabling this plugin that, is it working without this plugin or not?


    Thread Starter Josh Fisher Nesbitt


    Hi @tanvirul,

    The problem I believe is that we are using elements meant for one page per page and the swatches on the add to cart button are having trouble differentiating from each other, in this case we have 4 products manually added rather than using the shop element that would just display all the products in the given category.

    Where is the js for the plugin that controls the parent product gallery image so that I can at least try and assign an id to the gallery and the swatches so they both work together.



    Hi @mrjoshfisher

    Could you record me reproducing your issue using a tool like this? https://www.useloom.com and which theme you are using?


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