• I hate that I am leaving my first negative review, and was really hoping I wouldn’t have to, but I’ve been left hanging by MailPoet support for too long.

    MailPoet cut off my service because subscribers with non-working emails caused a “high” bounce rate.


    But after deleting the old subscribers causing a high bounce rate, I contacted MailPoet support and told them, and then asked if they would now reinstate my account. They responded with this message:

    “We do our best to support all of our users, but a faster support is part of the Premium features, so we prioritize paying users. We will follow up with you about your account via email, okay?”

    That email literally explained what I had already done, and then for me to contact them back when I had done it, which I have been doing for the past 5 days – 7 days if you count the very first message I sent telling them that I’ve already taken care of the bounced subscribers.

    The real slap in the face is that it’s been 7 days now, and I finally got a support response this morning to, get this… check for their email from 5 days ago:

    “Can you kindly check that email inbox for that email? Kindly let us know if you received this email. Looking forward to hearing back from you.”

    OMG… really?!

    Granted, I do have the free version – but because I don’t have more than 1,000 subscribers and don’t use Woocommerce. Why should I pay $10 a month just for “priority support”, especially when other forum users and reviews say it’s the same awful service? No thanks.

    Just read the 1-star reviews before signing up for this service. There are some from premium users, as well.

    Support for this plugin is the absolute worst, and I’m currently looking for a replacement.

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  • Plugin Support Thu P. a11n


    Hi there,

    Thank you for your honest feedback. Apologies about our response time. We aim to provide faster support for all users, however, due to some internal changes recently, there has been some delays.

    I see that we’ve got an ongoing discussion in this thread. In the latest reply, my colleague explained in details why removing bounced addresses won’t restore sending service and what we recommend for the next steps.

    Feel free to respond to that thread in case you have any further questions!

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