• Resolved Alpha Vale Tec


    I would like to suggest a request regarding clearing the cache.
    Would it be possible to automatically clear the cache after updating a plugin?

    Thanks again for the excellent plugin. It’s very useful!

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  • Plugin Author Mustafa Uysal


    Hi @donatelol,

    Thank you for your suggestion. Given that updates don’t always necessitate a complete cache purge, this feature might not be broadly useful. For dashboard updates, you have the convenience of purging the cache directly from the admin bar. But I’ll consider it for future versions of the plugin.

    In the meantime, you can achieve that by using the following snippet:

    add_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', '\PoweredCache\Utils\powered_cache_flush' );

    I hope this helps.

    Thread Starter Alpha Vale Tec



    This function is valid when automatic updating of some plugins is activated.

    Thanks for the script.

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