• I have the free version of your plugin and have tried subscribing via the email form on your coming soon page, but the admin email account I have specified in the options does not receive an email, even though the plugin notifies the front end user that they have successfully subscribed.

    I notice that there have been several previous tickets raising this issue, all of which are closed without any solution.

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  • Thread Starter dustycat


    I have tried two different email accounts as the admin email address and no email is received.

    I AM receiving the email which is sent to the subscriber, so part of the mechanism is working. However there isn’t a way of editing the content of this email (which isn’t mentioned as being a feature of the PRO version either). The content is not suitable as it is by default.

    Hi dustycat,

    Seems to be a problem with the server.
    Can you check if the mails are ending in the Spam Folder?

    Also are you receiving other notifications mails (like new comment notification) etc.


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