• Resolved milosmili123


    Stripe ver. 4.1.5.: it does not recognize SSL site certificate

    Updated to ver. 4.1.5. today (May 29 2018) and get this: “Stripe is enabled, but a SSL certificate is not detected. Your checkout may not be secure! Please ensure your server has a valid SSL certificate – Stripe will only work in test mode”.

    There is nothing wrong with my site SSL cert, still valid.

    Please advise. Thx.

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  • @dougaitken

    Thanks! I added https to the URL’s and its worked fine, the SSL is showing a green tick now.

    @dougaitken I am really concern if I make any changes from http to https I might create all sorts of errors- is this likely to happen or should it all work fine?

    I don’t want to change my general settings, because I have SSL activated only for checkout.
    WC stripe update fixed the issue today, thanks.

    Plugin Support Thomas Shellberg


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    This is fixed as of = 4.1.6.

    – 2018-05-31 =
    * Fix – False negative on SSL warning notice in admin.

    The ‘Force Secure Checkout’ setting is hidden if the entire site is set to HTTPS so the setting couldn’t be changed.

    Go to Settings->General->Put https://yourdomain.com instead of http://yourdomain.com

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by sunny247.


    I am also getting the same Warning (Plugin Version 4.1.8). I have installed Premium SSL on Server also Enabled SSL from Cloudflare. So Dual Encryption running for my site, still I am getting this Warning.

    How to fix it? If the problem is from the Stripe Plugin, Developer Please Fix the Issue.



    I received this error after switch hosts. I changed the http to https in the General Settings and the warning went away.

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