• Since activating the plug-in, I have found that some products display “Select Options” when hovering over them in the category view, and some don’t. I can’t find any reason why, and deactivating the plug-in makes the problem go away.

    Any ideas?!

    Many thanks.

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  • Plugin Author Mohaiminul Islam


    Sorry for the inconvenience. I had tried to reproduce the issue but failed. can you please give me some details. Which version of upcoming product and WooCommerce plugin and what theme you are using?

    Thread Starter boyki


    Latest versions I believe – Upcoming Product v1.5.8.1 and WooCommerce v3.1.2

    Unfortunately I can’t direct you to the website as I don’t currently have any upcoming products! But what I did find was this:

    I have 4 products in a category. Products 1 and 2 were available, 3 and 4 were upcoming. Product 4 was the one not showing the “Select Options” link. When I made product 3 available to purchase, product 4 started working properly like the others.


    Plugin Author Mohaiminul Islam


    Sorry, I had tried a lot but could not reproduce the issue. Could you please send me the site link to my mail (sk.shaikat18 at gmail dot com) to check the issue. Hope I could fix this as soon as possible.

    Thank you.

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