• YOu guys need to stop the stupid popup from coming up everytime we reload the page on the backend of our site. The one asking us to upgrade. It is annoying. Or at least allow us to disable it!

    Nobody cares.

    Events Manager - Prices going up this week!
    Pardon the interruption.... we'd like to make sure you're aware of an important announcement about our prices of the Events Manager Pro add-on.
    On November 10th 2022, we'll be increasing our prices for the first time ever since we first released Pro in 2010.
    Any licenses purchased before the price change will lock in the current price for renewing your license, which is why we're letting you know now.
    We hope you're enjoying the plugin and if you're at all considering going Pro, you still have time to make the best of this limited opportunity!
    View the full announement here.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Seconding this.

    Those who are still getting inundated with this stupidity (especially that the dismiss has no meaning), if you have access to your web hosting where your wordpress files and this plugin sits, edit the following file and line.

    Go to <your wordpress install dir>/wp-content/plugins/events-manager/admin directory and edit the file em-admin.php.
    Go to line#332 or somewhere above of below it where it says:
    add_filter('admin_footer', 'EM_Admin_Modals::promo_popup');

    Edit that line and change it to: //add_filter('admin_footer', 'EM_Admin_Modals::promo_popup');

    Now when you reload your site’s admin pages, this obnoxious popup won’t appear.

    I can understand the need to promote such changes and pricing, but not in such a rude and obnoxious manner.

    Plugin Author Marcus


    Hello, this is meant to disappear after one off-modal dismissal on non-EM pages, completely if a second dismissal on EM pages. Clicking the dismiss button removes it completely.

    I’m curious, did that not happen to you? Or are you offended by a dismissable popup? I certainly understand if the former happened to you (continued popups despite dismissals), not so much the latter…

    Obviously, our intention isn’t to force any upgrades, just announce the fact that we are changing pricing (for first time in 12 years). This is now over, and in theory you shouldn’t be seeing it anymore since it references a timestamp too before showing, but

    I’d be interested to know if the popup continued showing even after dismissals, clearly the dismiss button on the popup should do exactly that.

    I saw it just the once, which I noted on another support topic. I appreciated the notice, though my sites’ needs are still well within “free plug-in” range.

    @msykes No, it did not stop. Not only that, its blocking modal was interfering with other modals and elements, especially on mobile screens it was making our website useless.

    As a developer, I truly understand the need to promote one’s work and the developer’s prerogative to charge a subscription for premium features. However, not at the detriment of usability and becoming an obstruction for the end user.

    Also, happy to help with debugging.

    Thread Starter jchretien


    No it did not stop. It just kept popping up regardless of how many times it was dismissed.

    I wonder if you are blocking even more cookies than I am?

    Plugin Author Marcus


    @jchretien @darkfishcaver
    well, this wasn’t our intention, our apologies. I’m thinking you probably got some AJAX error due to a plugin conflict that blocked the dismissal. When you click ‘dismiss’ or even the outside of the popup so it goes away, it should have sent an AJAX request to register the dismissal, that probably never happened.

    By now you shouldn’t be seeing the ad at all anyway as it was only for a few weeks at most. We do also have a ‘leave a review’ popup, did that show/dismiss properly?

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