• Resolved devilwinnie


    User not allowed to add quantity of product after they reach bundle of product limit


    bundle limit :3

    after I added quantity of product is 3, user not allowed to add product quantity.Can you teacg me, how do I do?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Janilyn T


    Hi devilwinnie,

    • If you want to put a min/max limit for each subitem so that customers can only choose at max 3 units of the same item, you can click on each subproduct in the list and put a check to enable the Custom quantity, then configure max = 3 for each of them.
    • If you want to put a total max limit of 3 items for the whole bundle, please put 3 in the Max box of the Quantity limit options in the configuration section under the list.

    You can read more about these features in this doc: https://doc.wpclever.net/woosb/quantity-settings/custom-quantity/

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter devilwinnie


    Thanks reply my message . But, I want all my product ‘s in bundle which didn’t be selected quantity is 0
    Example : product bundle limit is 3
    I have 3 product in bundle , the customer choose 3 quantity for product A, so for the product B and C ‘s quantity cannot be added , then the quantity will show 0 .
    Can you teach me, how do I do?

    example : https://snipboard.io/Sk6DFT.jpg


    Plugin Support Janilyn T


    Hi devilwinnie,

    You can put 3 as Max for the Quantity limits option. Then configure the default quantity of all subproducts to 0.

    After 3 units of any item are chosen, if customers try to choose more, there will be an alert to remind them that they can only pick at max 3 items: https://prnt.sc/tWk924Q2Ui6M

    It’s impossible to automatically change the quantity of other items to 0 if customers intentionally choose more than 3 items for the bundle. Our plugin will display the alert and disable the Add to Cart until all the quantity limits are met.

    You can also change the text for that alert in the WPClever >> Product Bundles >> Localization tab.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter devilwinnie


    I got it . Thanks for help

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