• Resolved TheDudeAbides


    Just a minor thing, but was wondering why the stats linegraph in the dashboard was changed to take up %60/75% of the width of its container instead of the full thing, leaving extra space to the right? I liked the full width one. Are you planning to display popular pages or recent searches there?

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  • Plugin Author braekling


    Yes, you are right. I didn’t realize this because I’m using a 3-column-dashboard.

    Using a 100% width caused some display bugs at WP-Piwik’s own stats page, so I changed it to a fixed with. But I’ll think about a solution until the next release, of course.

    Thread Starter TheDudeAbides


    Okay np was just wondering. I wasn’t even aware I could display 3 columns until now. I’m loving the trending red line btw. Really great plugin.

    Plugin Author braekling


    Should fill your container again in 0.8.10

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