• The assigned group manager does not receive any e-mails when a new user registers / awaits approval. Changed the group manager to test and make sure that this is the case. An e-mail was not even sent to the group manager to inform them that they have been made a group manager, despite there being a specific e-mail template for this.
    All other relevant plugins successfully sends e-mails.

    Added the new group manager’s e-mail address to the “or define recipients manually” field under the e-mail settings in the global settings. Finally the group manager receives a single e-mail about a new registration. Edited the e-mail contents – copied over the template for the “Account Needs Review Notification”.

    When one clicks on the {{profile_link}} link in the e-mail (when logged in as the group manager), there is no UI anywhere that actually allows the group manager to approve the new user from the front end.

    There does not appear to be any UI on the front end that lets the group manager see a list of all pending group requests.

    Really saw the potential of this particular plugin, but unfortunately when it is not possible to trust that it will do what it explicitly says it does (such as notifying group managers), it seems it is time to look for a replacement.

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  • Plugin Author ProfileGrid Support


    Hi @carike,

    Sorry, to hear about your experience with ProfileGrid and we appreciate your feedback. Please allow me to provide information and clarity about the issues you listed. There might have been some confusion about how certain features are intended to operate:

    1- About the Group Manager emails not working: for enabling emails about newly registered users to Group Managers, Group type should be closed. This is part of the workflow to allow notifications about the required approvals, and Group type has to be closed for the system to offer it. If you already have Group type as closed and still not receiving emails, we will be more than happy to analyze the issue.

    2- Adding New Group Manager emails or Defining Recipients Manually: this section is not related to Group Manager emails but to ‘Admin Emails’ and ‘Admin Notification System’. “Account Needs Review Notification” email is triggered when “WP Registration Auto approval” feature is disabled in the “User Accounts” settings section. And this is Global setting instead of being Group specific.

    3- {{profile_link}} operation: {{profile_link}} is an email shortcode that provides a newly registered user’s profile link in an email. Group Manager may approve or deny requests using a specific Group page. But please note that this feature is available in Premium version of the plugin. You will need to activate multiple Group Managers and Advanced Group Manager extensions for this feature.

    I hope this information is useful.

    Furthermore, we always welcome positive criticism and take special pride in our support team’s expertise to help out with any issues being faced by our clients. You may reach out to us at any time and we will try our best to change your mind about our product.

    Thread Starter Carike


    Hallos. Thanks for the response.

    I will open a support thread to provide more details for you, since the group is closed and I only used the “defining recipients manually” feature as a workaround for the group manager notifications not working. I would really like to see this plugin improve.

    Plugin Author ProfileGrid Support


    Really appreciate that @carike

    We will be waiting for further information on this, and our team will make sure that you have a satisfactory response and resolution.

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