• Hi,

    I’m having a problem with sub items not displaying in my menu and I cannot figure out what is causing it. Some sub sub items show up and others do not.

    I wondered if there was something wrong with the specific page causing it not to show up in the menu, but I assigned it to a different sub item and it worked there. The sub menu doesn’t seem to be the problem either because it properly displays the sub sub item when I put another sub menu above it (although I do not want another sub menu there).

    Some of my sub items display their sub-sub-items and some do not. I cannot figure out what the pattern is.

    I thought it might be my theme that’s the problem (I am using Astra). I deactivated it and activated OceanWP. When I was doing the live preview of OceanWP I could see the missing sub items, but then when I activated Ocean WP they were gone again, and still gone when I reactivated Astra.

    Can someone please help me with this issue? Thanks!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Try switching your theme to twentytwenty. If all your sub-sub menus show up in this default theme, which means OceanWP and Astra theme doesn’t show sub-menu level 2 and beyond. Using Chrome’s developer enabled, you may want to debug into stylesheet css and remove display:none or visibility:collapsed style of OceanWP theme.

    Thread Starter calcofi


    Thanks for your quick reply! I switched the theme to twentytwenty and its still the same issue. And to clarify my description before – some sub-sub menus work (in all three themes) but others do not. And it appears to be dependent on the position of the sub menu, but not the actual sub menu item.

    I’m confused by the next part of your response: “Using Chrome’s developer enabled, you may want to debug into stylesheet css and remove display:none or visibility:collapsed style of OceanWP theme.”

    Sorry, I’m new to word press and although I’ve worked with html in Joomla before, I have not done any coding in WP yet. Can you please explain it a bit more or direct me to a website that can? Thanks so much!

    If some of sub-sub menu showed up and some don’t, it mightbe css or some restriction in the back-end.
    There’re a few ways to find out what’s going on and why some submenu showed and some don’t.
    1) In Chrome, display your website, hold Ctr+Shift+I keys, you’ll be able to mouse over the sub-sub menu, and look at the rightside bar of Chrome debug tool.
    2) If the sub-sub menu displayed in the html code but not showed in the browser, there’s a css code “display:none” somewhere in the theme .css file. Chrome debug tool will show you what line#.
    3) If the sub-sub menu not displayed in html code AND not in browser either, then it’s the back-end code which maybe related to 1 of those plugins. You can disable each plugin and view sub-menu again. And do it for all plugins until all sub-menu and sub-sub menu show up. At this point, you can be able to tell which plugin caused the issue.

    Thread Starter calcofi


    Thank you for your instructions! I looked at the code when the sub-sub menu was not visible and then compared it to the code for when it was visible (under a different sub menu), and the difference was ==$0. Having that in the code for the sub menu made it display the sub-sub menu.

    Do you know what that means or how I can fix it?

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