• Resolved dracoteam


    I selected the option “noindex” to post categories, but it appears in the sitemap


    That link redirects to a “page not found”

    I´m afraid that´s not good for seo. If I select noindex something, that thing should not be available in the sitemap. I even tried with “nofollow” option, but it´s not possible to hide that link from the sitemap


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  • Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer



    The availability of this child sitemap doesn’t matter for SEO — sitemaps don’t affect ranking, only indexing performance. You can safely ignore this error.

    The sitemap resolving to a 404 response is an issue with Core Sitemaps; they do this when no URLs are listed in a sitemap (e.g., because of “noindex”).

    I think it should display an empty sitemap instead of a 404 so people can understand what happens immediately. I just created a ticket to make this change: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/61293.

    We could’ve removed the taxonomy sitemap listing from the sitemap index. However, even when you set all categories with “noindex,” we keep it listed because more checks, such as a per-category override, must be performed for each category to determine actual indexability. These operations tax your server and shouldn’t be performed when listing sitemaps.

    If you wish to have this error resolved, you could opt to use the optimized sitemap TSF provides. You can learn more about that here: https://tsf.fyi/kb/sitemap#tsf-sitemap.

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