• Resolved gbenne


    After the last update to 2.0.38, the shortcode and code blocks are no longer displaying correctly. It displays the shortcode itself.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello @gbenne

    Are you referring to the core “shortcode” and “code” blocks of Gutenberg? If so, then I would recommend verifying the software installed on the site, as none of our updates could have affected them. It would be impossible to change them from our end, as WordPress does not provide an API to do so.

    Could you perhaps take a look at your installed plugins? There’s definitely something missing in there.

    A quick test that you can run is to use a shortcode block with [blocksy_posts]. If it executes correctly, then there’s the answer. 🙂


    Thread Starter gbenne


    This was MY bad! After investigating a little further today, I found an issue with the actual shortcode and code being used. Sorry!

    No worries, @gbenne! Glad you got it working. 🙂

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