• Resolved annikamai



    Right after update today I noticed that time is not showing like it used to, but it has seconds digits there as well. So instead of 19:00 it shows 19:00:00

    How can it be fixed?

    Thank you

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Same problem here.

    Please help…

    I can confirm that, too — in addition, all (?) CSS modifiers from earlier versions appear to be inactive. There seems to be no easy and obvious way to find out about available / possible CSS options / definitions (e.g., there is no “Settings” or “Edit” option in the WP plugin listing for this plugin).

    Plugin Author mibuthu


    Thanks for the info, will be fixed in the next version: Commit
    I hope I can release a new version tomorrow.

    This problem has been fixed in 0.8.1 – Thanks………

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