• It showed a survey and forced me to choose an answer before deactivating the plugin. Very greedy developers.

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  • Plugin Support Nahid Hasan


    Hello @tien-nguyen

    Thanks for sharing your feedback and we’re sorry for the experience you had. I understand this might be annoying sometimes but collecting feedback before deactivating is a common practice for WordPress plugins.  Also, there is an easy option to Skip & Deactivate the feedback form like this: https://d.pr/i/taUqU5

    We’ve taken your review positively and already brought some improvements on deactivating process. Again, we’re so sorry that you had a bad experience. I hope you’ll accept our apology and give us a second chance by changing this review. 

    Looking forward to your kind response


    Thread Starter Tim Codex


    Many plugins are using this impolite method doesn’t mean it’s right. Lots of developers chose not to have this kind of greedy development in their plugins due to the fact that they respect the others’ time and user experience.

    You have all rights to show a feedback link near the de-active link so I have my own freedom in choosing what I want to do but when I click the de-active link, it should de-active the plugin immediately without any extra step.

    Plugin Support Nahid Hasan


    Appreciate your feedback, we’ll think about it. Thanks anyway.

    @tien-nguyen What you say is somewhat interpretable and more – read to the end 🙂 Speaking of options, also plugin developers have the freedom to go an extra step in the deactivation process since this is a free plugin, but the main argument is related to the main purpose of this plugin, offering some features/add-ons found in many other plugins, this fact being able to justify the way they choose this method, wanting to know why, and to be able to compare and evaluate the value of their work. In the end, everyone who uses and will use this plugin will benefit from the improvements they make! It is not like that? So maybe a more appropriate question would be “please tell us if this plugin is causing any technical problems, or you just found another better plugin”, instead of judging that they are “very greedy” or just greedy, or not greedy 🙂 They have already integrated the “Skip” option into the final process, as most of plugin developers probably do. PS: How could they be “very greedy” since they also offer a free version of this plugin?!

    Thread Starter Tim Codex


    Although the plugin is free, it does not excuse the developer’s decision to add an extra step during the uninstallation process. The developer should still prioritize the user’s experience and respect their time, regardless of the financial aspect. By forcing users to complete an unnecessary step, the developer is showing a disregard for the user’s time and an unwillingness to prioritize their needs.

    Additionally, while the feedback collected by the developer may bring benefits to other users in the future, it is not a valid reason to force users to complete an extra step during the uninstallation process. There are other polite ways to collect feedback, such as a separate link near the uninstall link on the plugin page, that do not inconvenience users during the uninstallation process. The fact that the feedback may bring benefits to other users does not justify the developer’s decision to put their own interests above the users’ needs and force them to complete an unnecessary step.

    In summary, if the developers don’t respect users’ experience as well as time and put their interests above the users’ needs, it’s reasonable to call them “greedy developers”.

    Thread Starter Tim Codex



    I replied. Thanks.

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