• Hello,

    When I enable the Show label on upcoming product title option there is a piece of code showing up at the top of the product page.

    This is it: (Coming soon)”/>

    Is this a conflict with some other plugin or a bug in your’s? What might be the issue? You probably use hooks, so it might be that there is a bug in your code.


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  • Plugin Author Mohaiminul Islam


    Sorry for the inconvenience. Please let me check. Hope I will be back with some good news.

    Thread Starter Sociality


    Hello Shaikat,

    Any news? 🙂


    Plugin Author Mohaiminul Islam


    Hello Sociality,
    Sorry for late response, actually I had tried lot’s of themes and plugins to reproduce the issue, but failed. Can you please tell me which version of this plugin and WC plugin you are using and what theme?

    Thank you

    Thread Starter Sociality



    I use

    Woocommerce upcoming Products

    Version 3.1.2

    Classico – 8theme WordPress
    Version: 1.9

    We don’t use the Show label on upcoming product title Option for now. Probably there should be a conflict with the theme.

    I could investigate it a little bit more. If you figure it out, please inform me.

    Thank you 🙂

    Plugin Author Mohaiminul Islam


    you could send the files to (sk.shaikat18 at gmail dot com) I will set the same environment to check the conflict


    Sorry I am not posting from my own account – i think i have the same problem – product title on category product grid view shows <span class=”soon”> Coming soon </span>


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