• Hi there,

    I have a question. We use the plug-in in a multisite environment. The plug-in is takes over the language of the main website. In our case this is Dutch (NL).

    We also have other sites, for example Spanish and Swedish. We can’t change the WP language of the main website. This should stay NL.

    Is there a way we can enforce EN for all websites or show the correct language for every subsite?

    Thanks in advance!


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  • Plugin Contributor robertabela


    Thank you for your post and for using our plugin @finnruijter

    That’s an interesting question and a first for us. I’m afraid that at the moment it is not possible to have such a setup, but we will certainly look into this, maybe it is something we can work on. However, I cannot guarantee you anything at this stage.

    I am sorry I couldn’t be of more help today. Should you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

    Have a great day.

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