• Under All Imports, your WP_Places field isn’t available to be imported into. This means when running an import into the WP Listings plugin, I cannot pass in my data (location name, address) for it to then auto-populate.

    Second issue, as you can see at this link:

    The shortcodes are not being replaced in Listings.

    Utlimately, I’d like to pass the review into the reviews section, the photos into the photos section, use the first indexed photo into the featured photo for the listing, and the other related shortcodes (phone number, website, operational hours, etc.) into their proper location

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  • Plugin Author Gary Kovar


    Thanks for checking out the plugin.

    Specifically on the 2nd point. It looks like the phone number and website under the title might be part of the theme?
    If so, you’ll need to do something like do_shortcode(‘[wp_places phoneNumber]’);

    And on the side where hours isn’t displaying, I think that might be a widget. I have no idea if the post meta will pass through to that…if it will you’ll need to turn on shortcodes in widgets by adding this to your functions.php.

    I’ll keep this thread open and dig into your first question later on.

    Thread Starter amburmj


    Where would I make the change such as: do_shortcode(‘[wp_places phoneNumber]’);

    Thread Starter amburmj


    Also – amazing support – thank you for the fast reply! I’ve made the adjustment in the child folder of my theme in the functions.php for: add_filter(‘widget_text’,’do_shortcode’);

    Plugin Author Gary Kovar


    Looks like it’s still not handling that shortcode in the widget.

    Also, the 2 shortcodes at the top. Wherever you put the code for those…it should be as simple as wrapping in the the do_shortcode function.

    Thread Starter amburmj


    Hey Gary, I’m still stumped on this.

    Any assistance you can provide would be tremendous!

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