• Resolved hrvojeos


    I have put you quiz, just to try it out.

    And I have made it with pagination, which suits me.

    It works when I am loged in WordPress, but when I try to look the page in Incognito for example, the whole quiz is broken and there is no pagination, but all questions are on the page.

    I think it could be something related to caching plugin, Wp Rocket, but not sure what.

    Do you maybe have some idea?

    Thank you

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter hrvojeos


    Cleared cache on hosting, now it is working

    Plugin Author Harmonic Design


    Hi hrvojeos,
    this is almost certainly caused because you are caching the page. The fact that when you are logged in it works is evidence of this since most caching plugins will not show cached pages for logged in users.

    Taking a look at your page (thanks for the link!) it looks like HD Quiz itself is properly working and loading, but your site is not loading the CSS stylesheet.

    I recommend the following.

    1. Clear your site cache. https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/53-clear-wp-rocket-cache
      This will allow WP Rocket to rebuild your cache, hopfuly error free this time
    2. If rebuilding the cache does not help, exclude the page from being cached. https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/54-exclude-pages-from-the-cache
    3. If you absolutely want to keep caching enabled on that page, you can try excluding the style sheet only

    NOTE: I see that on your site, you are not actually loading any style sheets at all, and are loading everything inline. On most sites, this is a very bad idea and is almost certainly making your site slower instead of faster. You might want to disable that feature in WP Rocket

    EDIT: You beat me to it. Glad you got it working!

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