• Resolved ebonweaver


    There are two serious bugs with this plugin:

    1. All new users are set with Administrator role instead of Subscriber as they should be per the General site settings for new users. This is a massive security problem and must be fixed promptly.

    2. Option for Admin approval of new users does not work. Instead it acts the same as if the option was set to email confirmation. No email is sent to admin saying there is a new user needing approval. Form response message indicates check email instead of wait for admin.

    The result of these bugs is anyone can sign up and be a full admin of the site. This renders the plugin completely useless as it’s a massive security hack!

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  • Plugin Support Amrit Kumar Shrestha


    Hi @ebonweaver,

    Could you please provide us with your configurations screenshot and the registration link?

    We have tested the registration on our testing environment, but we are unable to replicate the issue. If you provide us the screenshot and the link, we can look into it and get back to you accordingly.


    Plugin Support Amrit Kumar Shrestha


    Hi @ebonweaver,

    Any updates regarding this,

    If the plugin has such issues, we will get the other support ticket, but you are the only person who reported this issue and not getting back to us.

    We request you allow us to help you before jumping in to provide a one-star rating. If we were unable to help you out and ignore your support request, your one-star rating would have been justified.


    Plugin Support Amrit Kumar Shrestha


    Hi @ebonweaver,

    Any Update?


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