• Johannes


    I’d have given it a five star review a while back, but with every update it seems to bring more bugs than blessing.

    The last few updates brought with what I’m sure the developers are in self-awe over—the new theme builder—but is no ointment for the fact that Elementor simply doesn’t work correctly. (I opened the theme builder maybe twice, yawned and closed it.)

    Frontend updates after saving? Not happening. (And that was supposedly fixed with one of the last updates.)

    Global design settings? Great idea, poorly implemented.

    There are other page builder biting at Elementor’s heels. I’m just waiting a little while for one of them to mature before I jump this ship.

    Oh, I forgot to mention, I pay an annual fee for the Pro version. If not for the header and footer designer, I’d probably just use the free version and later just move away.

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