• Resolved chadwellyoung


    This is on a multisite. If embed a datawrapper chart visualization, it will show up correctly. If someone on our team goes back into the post and edits anything and updates it then spits out this script below the graphic.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Nahid Hasan


    Hello there,

    We’re really sorry for the inconvenience caused. Can you please try to adjust the height from block settings ? Hope it will resolve the issue. Or you may try adding the following CSS in your website’s customizer.

    Solution 1:

    .wp-block-embed__wrapper iframe {
    max-height: 100%!important;

    Solution 2:

    .wp-block-embed__wrapper .jupiterx-oembed {
    padding-top: 100%!important;

    Let me know how it goes. Thanks

    Thread Starter chadwellyoung


    I sent you the wrong blog post to troubleshoot! Please look at this one. You can see that the script text is added below the visualization: https://www.csg.org/2023/04/19/period-poverty-barriers-to-safe-and-equitable-menstrual-hygiene-embedpress/

    Plugin Support Nahid Hasan


    Hello @chadwellyoung,

    We apologize for the delay in our response. Our development team has created a fixed version that addresses your situation. You can download the fixed version from this link: https://d.pr/f/ITUlTJ

    Please try downloading and installing this version, and let us know if it resolves the issue you were experiencing. Thank you.

    Thread Starter chadwellyoung


    I have installed the new plugin you sent and asked our editor to recreate the same issue. Unfortunately the embed still breaks and adds that code below. The issue remains exactly the same.

    Plugin Support Amit Paul


    Hi @chadwellyoung,

    I hope this message finds you well. Really sorry to hear that issue has not been resolved by using the above-mentioned updated version.

    Would you kindly try again by going to that editing page and updating the page again?

    After that, If you find the same issue again, kindly try again by creating a new page and let me know how it goes then.

    And If the issue still persists, please share your Site Health Info then I will give it another try. Please go to your WordPress Dashboard -> Tools -> Site Health -> Info -> Copy Site Info to Clipboard. Then paste it in PasteBin and share the link with us.

    Thank you!

    Plugin Support Amit Paul


    Hello @chadwellyoung,

    Hope you’re doing well.

    Would you kindly give us feedback about the issue that you’re facing? Did you try our above-mentioned instructions yet? If not, kindly try that and let me know how it goes then.

    And I will get back to you soon.

    Thank you!

    Plugin Support Amit Paul


    Hello @chadwellyoung,

    I hope this message finds you well.

    Since we’re not getting any response from you, We believe that your issue has been solved. And so we’re marking this topic as resolved now.

    However, feel free to open a topic if you face any further issues later. We’ll try to reach out there as early as possible. 

    Thank you!

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