• Resolved torstensbuechereckede



    I’m using redirect since a while now and I would like to change from post id to post name URLs. If I understand this right I have to switch on URL Monitoring before that change and after that I can change from ID to name. Afterwards all changed posts should show up in redirect.

    I tried to activate the options “track changes for post and pages” (hope this is the original translation – I’m using the German version). And then I used the refresh button. Although there is a message “settings saved” in the lower right corner the option changes are not saved. I have also checked the entry on database and I think in the area which is named monitor_post or monitor_types there should be a change. But there is no change.


    To be sure I deactivated the cache addon and cleared the cache. But this does not seems to be the reason.

    When adding new redirect entries the behaviour is the same. It looks like the entry is saved in DB but it’s not. Settings from other plugins do work. So it seems not to be an issue of DB rights.

    If I take a look on the support area everything is green ‘OK’.

    Redirect Logentries are written to the log database tables.

    How can I debug this?

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  • Plugin Author John Godley


    This is almost certainly a cache issue of some kind. The plugin saves data through your REST API, which other plugins likely do not. I have seen problems in the past where the database was cached, and updates weren’t appearing.

    Thread Starter torstensbuechereckede


    Hello John, thanks for the reply.

    I figured out what caused the problem but not why it is a problem. This seems to be only affecting redirect although there are other plungins which are using rest.

    I’m using Nginx as a reverse Proxy for Apache. This seems to be not working with redirect. Basically Nginx pushes everything to Apache which is not static content like jpg|jpeg|gif|png|ico|css|zip|tgz|gz|rar|bz2|pdf|txt|tar|wav|bmp|rtf|js|flv|swf|html|htm

    If I try to open Redirect options and database entries directly via URL and Port (Apache is listening on Port 8082) I’m getting CORS errors. Maybe this is the problem I’m not sure. When I switch the whole WordPress URLs to the Apache URL + Port then the CORS errors are gone and redirect is doing database upgrades and showing the right entries in tables. All other plugins are working well with the setup.

    Plugin Author John Godley


    Ok, if you are using a reverse proxy then you will need to pass the appropriate headers


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