• Resolved mindykatzen



    It would be helpful to have the IP in the data. This is for many reasons.

    E.g., we see numerous 1-item carts that may be bots or other unwanted parties going through the website to scrape our data resulting in a high abandoned cart rate. If we research the IP, we can then make a decision on whether or not to block it and stop it from taking up our resources. The database entries will be reduced as well as other server resources.

    Another example is that in the past, we discovered an infringing party where we suffered monetary loss. The IP helped to advance the case to the US FBI for future investigations.

    Could you please consider adding the option whether or not to record the IP.

    Allow the merchant decide and they would be the one infringing on GDPR, not you.

    And, the data is deleted in a certain timeframe anyway.

    Thank you for your consideration.

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  • Plugin Contributor Nauriskolats


    Hi @mindykatzen

    Firstly, thank you very much for valuable feedback! It is great to have proactive users who are bringing us actual use cases and ideas about possible updates.

    This has been added to our feature wish-list and we will consider this addition in our next sprint planning meeting.

    Best wishes,

    Thread Starter mindykatzen


    Thank you Nauriskolats! That’s great news that you are advancing Cart Bounty (what a meaningful name). 🙂

    Plugin Contributor Nauriskolats


    We’re continually advancing thanks to incredible individuals like yourself who use our product and provide feedback and new ideas for improvement 🙂

    Plugin Contributor Nauriskolats


    Hi @mindykatzen, I’m marking this topic as resolved as we have just released our latest update for the Pro version which now includes the option to save IP address of each abandoned cart and exclude carts from saving that use specific IP addresses.

    Thank you for your input and request! 🙂

    Best regards,

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